An Interview with a Dead Man
Doug was doing well, a very successful businessman whose diligence and motivation was helping a company bring in millions of dollars! But the high pressures of his job and the daily rigors of trying to stay on top of his game led to a life-altering experience and a heck of a story. One day while commuting and stopping at a coffee shop, Doug suffered a Widowmaker Heart Attack. But thanks to the swift actions of a real-life angel, the incredible care of the fine people at the hospital, and a little dose of lady luck, Doug held on and made it out alive. Amazingly, he was pronounced “dead” for 38 minutes and to this day holds the record for the longest amount of time “dead” before coming back to life in Stanford Hospital history. Listening to him recount the experience he had is mind-boggling. Now, he wants to educate people and let them know that this too can happen to you. With success comes stress, and if you let it, it can overwhelm you and lead you down a similar path that Doug went on. We are so thankful he is here with us today and shares with us his story.
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