Beyond The Bucket List

This episode features Jason Weinrich and his formula to creating a Bucket List and getting it done. The idea behind a bucket list is, as they state in the movie with the same title, to create a list of things you hope to do before you “kick the bucket,” but you can also use the idea for any deadline—say, a list of things you wish to do before you enter your next decade of life, or before the summer ends. Creating a bucket list can benefit you in several ways. Jason, who is in his late 20’s, is also bringing a unique twist to his bucket list endeavor by filming and attaching a story to each item he completes. He is an excellent videographer and storyteller and his videos can be found on Youtube. He wants to inspire others with his work and hopes to motivate those to go first and start doing the things they’ve always wanted to do before it’s too late.

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