Wisdom From a Heavy Metal Sweetheart

This episode features Nick Harris. Nick lives an exceptional existence in that he knows WHY he has been placed on Earth. Nick knows that his purpose is to spread the Power of Positivity through his incredible talents, gifts, and decades of repetitious hard-working habits. When Nick is not on tour as a drummer with his heavy metal band, Armed for Apocalypse, he can be found inspiring youth, exercising, or navigating the landscape of the ever-evolving music industry. With over 3,000 live performances under his belt, Nick has circumnavigated the globe – twice! Having founded Repetition Industries in 2012, Nick found his entrepreneurial ambition through hours of self-reflection and as of the past three years – Sobriety. Compelled to share his message of personal development and self-growth through Positive Decision Making, Nick joined forces with Odyssey for Youth in early 2018. His unique perspective on self-development through Positive Decision Making has thrust Nick into the limelight and onto stages across the world.

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