The Board Meeting™

The Board Meeting is all about business. With a twist and a kick-flip.  Teams receive work orders to design and build skateboards for real customers. Through expert facilitation, teams focus on brand awareness, customer-centricity, quality assurance, time management and collaboration. Each Board Meeting teambuilding kit includes a skateboard deck, trucks, wheels, pads, helmet and backpack. Completed kits are donated to local children who might even surprise the teams and help them with the process. The Board Meeting is a client favorite and is offered as an in-person, virtual or hybrid event.

 Contact us to set-up a program design consultation with one of our team members.

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How Do We Help Your Teams Find Their Passion?

Each of Odyssey Teams’ Team Building Programs are uniquely designed to focus on different aspects of teamwork and collaboration, and each program is customized for your team. Make sure to check out all of the programs Odyssey Teams provides.

Featured Board Meeting™ Videos

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DIY (Do-it-Yourself) Formula
The power of this program is in your hands. With our DIY version of the Board Meeting™, we give you the ingredients to land this trick yourself. See how simple it is to blend this powerful process with your facilitation skills and program goals.

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The impact of the Board Meeting program 
The Board Meeting is an innovative corporate team building experience where participants build skateboards for deserving children while building better teams.