What’s Happening at Odyssey Teams
Odyssey Teams is the leader in philanthropic team building. We’ll keep you informed and up-to-date on all the latest team building activities and strategies.
Planning a Fun Teambuilding Event May Be Short-sighted
The Subjective Nature of Fun I’ve yet to run a full marathon, though have done many ‘half’s’. I know at the starting line the run ahead may not be ‘fun’. It is the feelings of
What’s Inspiring Employees During These Unprecedented Times?
Today I woke up with a new perspective of ROI. Return On Inspiration. I know ROI is a common business term referring to Return On Investment, but have we ever tried to measure the Return
Team Building Is Not The Aim
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEnmHeNIwO0 Effective teamwork is powerful. We have all seen great sports teams and organizations rise above - not because of their individual skills, but their ability to align those skills in a direction
Top 5 Reasons to Host Corporate Give Back Activities
Corporate give back activities such as the Build-a-Hand® Project, Life Cycles (Build a Bike), Playhouse Challenge, or The Board Meeting, have become the latest trend in corporate team building exercises. Long gone are the days
How To Improve Employee Engagement – 5 Tips
Employee engagement is the emotional commitment an employee has to their organization and its goals. Having emotional commitment means employees genuinely care about their work and the company they work for. They don’t just
How To Stay Connected While Working Remotely
How To Stay Connected While Working Remotely Staying connected while working remotely is more of an art than a science, though it can be critical to the success of the team as well as your
Build-A-Hand® – Corporate Social Responsibility and Teambuilding, Together!
Embraced by the world’s best teams and leaders, the Build-A-Hand® program continues to make virtual teambuilding more virtuous and in-person events life-changing. 60,000 prosthetic hands have been funded, built and donated to amputees in over
How To Create Relevant, Engaging and Memorable Curriculum
As trainers, facilitators and L&D managers we are always looking for ways to make an experience more relevant, engaging and memorable. When we understand that these words are derived from thinking, doing and feeling, we
Napkin Notes: How Team Time Odyssey Was Developed
Team Time Odyssey is a series of six, fast-paced, one-hour sessions to help build a more vibrant and virtual team; a more adaptive, aligned and ambitious team; a more resilient and ready team. Have a